Spotlight "She Inspires"
Lisa Hillen
Lash artist, Founder & CEO of Groothandel Beauty
The Netherlands

"To me, beauty means highlighting your best features
and being the best version of yourself. "
Q. Brief introduction of yourself
I am Lisa Hillen, a dedicated entrepreneur in the beauty industry.
2011, I have built two successful beauty centers and a wholesale business
with a training center.
We are based in the Netherlands and import highquality
products, we are importer of BL Lashes in our area.
Q. Personal meaning of Beauty?
To me, beauty means highlighting your best features and being the best
version of yourself. With eyelash extensions, we can achieve this in a
subtle yet powerful way.
By properly accentuating the eyes, we enhance a
client’s expression and overall appearance.
Q. How much did the lash industry play in your empowerment?
My journey in the eyelash industry started in 2011 with the products of
Blink, now BL Lashes. What began as applying eyelash extensions evolved
into a full-fledged career.
Since 2013, I have been training professionals
and supplying high-quality eyelash products to students and beauty
specialists. The eyelash industry has not only helped me build my
business but has also allowed me to inspire and support others in their
Q. Why choosing/working with BL Lashes? And what does it represents for you?
BL Lashes was one of the pioneers in the eyelash industry and is known
for its innovative and high-quality products.
This brand continues to
evolve and set industry standards. For me, BL Lashes represents reliability,
top quality, and continuous progress.
Q. Your secret to overcome worries, difficulties and hardships
Focus on what is possible. Set clear goals and work towards them with
dedication. The energy you invest will always come back to you.
positive and adapting to challenges makes the difference between
standing still and growing.
Q. Goals you want to absolutely achieve in 2025
After a period of many changes in the eyelash industry in our region, we
aim to restore stability and achieve healthy, natural growth for BL Lashes.
Additionally, we remain committed to improving quality in beauty salons
by providing high-quality products and expert training.
Q. Words of advice or/and last words for the women who will read you
“"Believe in yourself and don't be afraid to dream big. You are stronger than you think, and your talents
deserve to be seen. Keep growing, support each other, and be proud of who you are. Together, we can
achieve so much more!"
Q. Favorite quote
"Taste is the appreciation of beauty; highlighting your beauty is our art."